
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Best Way to Lose Weight

Losing weight is not as easy as we think. Exercising alone without a proper diet is not enough. But the hassle is preparing the right kind of food that will give our body the right nutrients. With our busy lifestyle, we always go with the instant. The availability of fattening food demands good choices. Every corner there is a fast food chain which is a very convenient way to satisfy our hunger. But worry no more because making food choices can be easier than we think if we arm ourselves with convenient food that is scientifically designed to give our body the right nutrients and will aid in losing weight fast.

So, the best way to lose weight is first have a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Herbalife Formula 1 Shake is the healthiest breakfast we can give to our body. It contains 114 nutrients that our body needs to replenish the vitamins and minerals used during repair at night. One serving is equivalent to nine balanced meal but only contains 80 calories. It contains Soy Protein Isolate that stabilizes blood sugar level and it gives a feeling of fullness for longer periods.

Secondly, have a healthy regular lunch. Avoid too much fatty foods and sweets. Try to have a healthy snack an hour or two before lunch so you will not have the tendency to eat more. I suggest fresh fruits for snack instead of junk foods. Also, drink plenty of water in between meals. You should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water acts a suppressant for your appetite and decreases your temptation to eat. This decreases your usual uptake of calories through food. Sometimes we feel hungry and it is not due to lack of food but due to lack of liquids. So drink water as much as you can. And the best thing is that it is zero calories. Water plays a major role in losing weight not just because it decreases your appetite for food but also it helps in flushing out toxins from your body.

And thirdly, have a healthy dinner. If you are in a weight loss program Formula 1 Shake is the best substitute for a regular dinner that you eat. One serving of F1 Shake will give your body enough nutrients so that it can function well during the night. Some organs of our body play an important function while we are sleeping so we are not supposed to sleep with an empty stomach.

Don’t hinder yourself from shedding off unwanted weight. Change your diet and you are on your way to healthier and better you. So shape up, slim down and feel great with Herbalife Formula 1 Shake. For best and fast result use with the entire line of Herbalife weight management products.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. -- Buddha

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